"This is a story of a teenage couple..
Who's feelings for eachother run so deep..
That words cannot begin to describe the passion..
That these two have for one another..
So walk with me and take a look into their lives and see what they're all about.."

In a room, lit by nothing but candles,
Their love runs free this is not a scandel,
The male looks infront of him at the female,
Suddenly he becomes like a paraplegic standing still,
Captivated by her beauty,her eyes glisten like Nelly's grill,
He goes for it attemptin' to make advances on the female
At first, he's reluctant because he doesn't want to fail,
But she doesn't seem to be backing down, what a shock
His endeaver is a sucess, he becomes euphoric as their lips lock,

"Yes,this is really happening..
They both thought this was a dream..
A dream, in which would never come true..
But it has, this night has gone well so far.
Now, let's see what transpires as the night grows older.."

They're comfortable around eachother no need to hide
No need to be embarassed, there's no need for a disguise
He can look at her, and he would see nothing but pureity
He felt like she belittled him, next her he's just a minority
This night is so perfect, nothing could possibly go wrong,
Their romance is something you'd find in a fairy tale or a song
He'd do anything for her,put her burdens on his shoulders
Pay her bills,he can see them with a family when they get older
They wanna live prolific lives together,having a couple kids
Their in love,to think that this all happened with one kiss

"Now a it has been years
Since that one faithful night
That these two were brought together
By love and now they live happily
In a far away mountain community
Where no one can disturb them
and they can die together and in peace..."