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Thread: -God Bless-

  1. #1

    -God Bless-

    kinda an older peice i just thought i would share this with you, it's more on the text side but alot of people really enjoyed it. So tell me what you all think. Peace...

    -God Bless-

    forsaken faith is replaced by tainted mindstates, driving grace into the flames of burning stakes-
    lately it seems these dreams are ripped at the seams by divine schemes streamed into silent screams-
    apocalyptic scenes are beamed at a fragile beings to shatter all self-esteem-
    optimistic thoughts drift as i witness my silhouette wither in the distance, 'Grim Reaper' takin the place of where my shadow once existed-
    corroded emotions hold late night round table meetings courtesy of 'Camelot' garage sales, unanimous concurrence calls for razorblade waltzes across velvet laced trails-
    i resist the piercing kiss an journey into the abyss in search of happiness, reminiscing on past grins help my spirit ascend over stress my mind collects-
    intellect erected to digest complex sacred texts an process what's read into present mindset.. the earth's negligence led my quest for knowledge to 'Nazareth'-
    where a blessed messenger welcomed my questions about life an death, he too knew what it was like to be depressed-
    possessed by immense sadness in every thought expressed-
    destined eversince adolescence to spend every second second-guessin your sixth sense, since no matter what... death will always meet you in the end-
    i asked him what he thought about the rough draft to my life's plan, he just sat back an laughed at the lack of craft in this Icarus flight path i've mapped-

    'one day you'll understand that the only sure plan is to adapt'

    ....we continued conversing about the secrets the universe concealed....

    'truth is pain and pain is truth truly revealed'

    every word reaching deeper into my heart's inner regions reeling me in to feel a feeling more than real-
    he told me the meaning of life was a life of meaning, measured not by your achievements.. but by the memories you breathe in-
    his benevolent disposition quickly shifted direction when he explained the reason for teaching me his wisdom-
    he took one last glance at the planets, sister, stars, an handed me the 'solar system'-
    regardless of the honor, i couldn't accept his offer.. i opted for him to choose someone else to be the next 'martyr'-
    he dismissed my lack of commitment an thrust me to where the limelight lit, my sins were juxtaposition along the lining of my vision as we switched positions on the crucifix-
    winged specimens hammered nine inch nails into my wrists, an in an instant.. my last bit of innocence vanished the minute the first thrown stone hit-
    the nightmare expired when the 'Sandman' rode the nightmare tiredly towards the horizon, a bright light took over my eyesight striking the fibers in my iris-
    i was reunited with the comforting silence of my room as the alarm clock read nine-ish, cerebral forces explore my inner core with hopes of decoding this omen-
    a mystic figure cloaked in a dark robe guards over the puzzle's last component, his portrait is superimposed onto my main life-support organ-
    ...fused together to roam through black holes until our time is chosen, the crown of thorns i've borne forever holds the scorn my soul has worn-
    an when the sun's reborn the morning mourns a life form more than torn, there's nothin left of this lonesome angel jaded from chasing rainbows-
    ...just a broken halo an pain only the rain knows, but despite the hardships- im still convinced that life's not a 'bitch'-
    just a fairy tale princess pissed cause the prince for which she wished turned out to be a dick, an now she's stuck with a matrix-glitched existence topped off with a blistered image of eternal bliss-
    staring into the mirror as i finally confront the blemished replica it reflects, i take in a deep breath... open my chest, an whisper the words God Bless-

  2. #2
    Was a good piece... nice rhyming scheme... a lot of nice lines..some good ones i snatched out of it were these 2..

    lately it seems these dreams are ripped at the seams by divine schemes streamed into silent screams-
    he told me the meaning of life was a life of meaning, measured not by your achievements.. but by the memories you breathe in-

    they rolled nice off the tongue...

    i got two pieces sleepin...

    Find Your Way
    Pains Game

    any feedback is appriciated..
    © Copyright

  3. #3
    You've Earned a Custom Title! The Vortex's Avatar
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    Battle Record
    uhm good drama.. a bit sketchy in its form and rather long to absorb as a complete poem

    but good writing skills and imagery r cool

    pz 1

  4. #4

  5. #5
    until i get some replys..... ^

  6. #6
    Fear Before The March Foreshadow's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Portland, Oregon
    Battle Record
    ... uppp

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