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Thread: Alone

  1. #1
    M.Perror Ming


    From childhood's hour I have not been
    As others were---I have not seen
    As others saw---I could not bring
    My passions from a common spring.
    From the same source I have not taken
    My sorrow; I could not awaken
    My heart to joy at the same tone;
    And all I lov'd, I loved alone.
    Then---in my childhood---in the dawn
    Of a most stormy life---was drawn
    From ev'ry depth of good and ill
    The mystery which binds me still:
    From the torrent, or the fountain,
    From the red cliff of the mountain,
    From the sun that 'round me roll'd
    In its autumn tint of gold---
    From the lightning in the sky
    As it pass'd me flying by---
    From the thunder and the storm,
    And the cloud that took the form
    (When the rest of Heaven was blue)
    Of a demon in my view.

    By M.Perror Ming

  2. #2
    WOW!.....i loved this peice particually because of the rhyme scheme and word format....i can honestly say that it took my breath away you have your own style which drew my attention to this peice of writing this is one of my personal favorites and a true talent you have...keep it up and i will be looking for more of your work

  3. #3
    Compositional Standard Spoken's Avatar
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    Dec 2002
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    a detailed piece, written well, with alright vocab and strucuture, flowed well and sounded good when read out loud. the message is something that makes you think, and i like pieces like that. i liked the concept. the content i felt could have had more story line to it, but was still an interesting read this way. had a good intro opened the piece nicely.


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