Yo if the pen is the bains then paper is definitly the mouth it uses to speak/ it can talk softly or shreek, it could be shallow or deep, alot or trash or neat/ where u want yea point explained detailed or bleek/ I could spit cold or heat, transform a person from man or beast, talk hate or peace/ an u know paper important cause its how we eat/ paper lets u express your policies or beliefs, or what ever ya principles might be/ the paper always speaks the paper never sleeps/ it know all ya thoughts it knows how ya mind reads, it asorbs the blood as yea minds bleed/ The minds eye's it helps the mind see when the mind reads/ The words it shows can make the mind smile or mind grieve/
Where you keep it to ur self or let everyone see and let it all release/ The paper shows a bitter past or a sweet memory/ you can finish your sentences or leave it blank to infinity.......................................... ..........................
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